December 28th, 2018
- Objective-C (wikipedia)
- Вступление и Objective-C
- Создание программ для Mac OS X. Часть 1: вступление и Objective-C (habrahabr.ru)
- Introduction to The Objective-C Programming Language (Apple)
- Objective-C Runtime Programming Guide (Apple)
- Object-Oriented Programming with Objective-C (Apple)
- Cocoa Fundamentals Guide (Apple)
- C++ Versus Objective-C
- Book: BecomeAnXcoder
IDE – XCode
- The Cocotron is an open source project which aims to implement a cross-platform Objective-C API similar to that described by Apple Inc.’s Cocoa documentation. This includes the AppKit, Foundation, Objective-C runtime and support APIs such as CoreGraphics and CoreFoundation.
Mac OS X – API
- See “Articles, Tips and Code Snippets” section