
Posts Tagged ‘Documentation’

Windows Animation

September 15th, 2009 No comments

The Windows Animation Manager (Windows Animation) is a programmatic interface that supports the animation of visual elements of Windows applications. Windows Animation is designed to simplify the development and maintenance of animation sequences and to enable developers to implement animations that are consistent and intuitive. Windows Animation can be used with any graphics platform including Direct2D, Direct3D, or GDI+.

Basic Concepts

The two fundamental units of an animation are (1) the characteristic of a visual element to animate and (2) the description of how that characteristic changes over time. An application can animate a wide variety of characteristics such as position, color, size, rotation, contrast, and opacity.

In Windows Animation, an animation variable represents the characteristic to animate. A transition describes how the value of that animation variable changes as animation occurs. For example, a visual element might have an animation variable that specifies its opacity, and a user action might generate a transition that takes that opacity from a value of 50 to 100, representing an animation from semi-transparent to fully opaque. A storyboard is a set of transitions applied to one or more animation variables over time.

An application displays animations by constructing and playing storyboards and then drawing sequences of discrete frames as the values of animation variables change over time.

Introducing the Windows Ribbon Framework

September 15th, 2009 No comments

The Windows Ribbon (Ribbon) framework is a rich command presentation system that provides a modern alternative to the layered menus, toolbars, and task panes of traditional Microsoft Windows applications.

The Ribbon framework is a collection of Microsoft Win32 APIs that provides a host of new user interface capabilities for Windows developers and includes both the ribbon command bar and a context menu system. This rich, new command framework offers:

  • Easy implementation for brand new Ribbon applications and straightforward migration of existing Win32 applications.
  • Consistent appearance and behavior across Ribbon applications.
  • Adherence to Windows user interface (UI) guidelines for a first-class Windows experience through accessibility standards, visual style (theming) support, automatic high contrast adjustments, and high dots per inch (dpi) awareness.

Additional: Ribbons are the modern way to help users find, understand, and use commands efficiently and directly—with a minimum number of clicks, with less need to resort to trial-and-error, and without having to refer to Help.

    Win32 Tips, Tricks and Tutorials

    September 15th, 2009 No comments

    No MFC, No VB – pure Win32 C/C++.

    Presented here are a collection of programming tutorials for Windows. The tutorials cover various Windows programming topics, but most concentrate on the user-interface aspect of programming. All tutorials and source downloads are in the C programming language. No external libraries such as MFC are required to build the source code presented in these tutorials.

    The Big Three

    June 4th, 2009 No comments

    параметр lpClass в функции RegCreateKeyEx

    January 25th, 2009 No comments
    lpClass [in, optional]
    The user-defined class type of this key.
    This parameter may be ignored.
    This parameter can be NULL.

    Этот параметр позволяет при создании ключа задать строку, которая будет храниться с этим ключом, пока тот не будет удалён. После создания ключа, параметр не может быть изменён. Эта строка может быть прочитана с помощью функции RegQueryInfoKey.

    Structured Storage

    January 14th, 2009 No comments

    Structured Storage provides file and data persistence in COM by handling a single file as a structured collection of objects known as storages and streams.

    The purpose of Structured Storage is to reduce the performance penalties and overhead associated with storing separate objects in a single file. Structured Storage provides a solution by defining how to handle a single file entity as a structured collection of two types of objects—storages and streams—through a standard implementation called Compound Files. This enables the user to interact with, and manage, a compound file as if it were a single file rather than a nested hierarchy of separate objects.

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