
Posts Tagged ‘TechNet’

User Experience Guidelines

February 7th, 2010 No comments

Windows 7 Hotkeys

December 13th, 2009 No comments
  • Windows Key + Tab = Aero Switch (keep holding Windows key and press Tab to cycle)
  • Windows Key + E = Windows Explorer
  • Windows Key + R = Run Command
  • Windows Key + F = Search
  • Windows Key + X = Mobility Center
  • Windows Key + L = Lock Computer
  • Windows Key + U = Ease of Access
  • Windows Key + P = Projector
  • Windows Key + T = Cycle Superbar Items
  • Windows Key + S = OneNote Screen Clipping Tool (requires OneNote)
  • Windows Key + M = Minimize All Windows
  • Windows Key + D = Show/Hide Desktop
  • Windows Key + Up = Maximize Current Window
  • Windows Key + Down = Restore Down / Minimize Current Windows
  • Windows Key + Left = Dock Current Window to the Left
  • Windows Key + Right = Dock Current Windows to the Right
  • Windows Key + ‘+’ = Magnifier
  • Windows Key + Shift + Right = Moves Current Window to the Monitor on the Right
  • Windows Key + Shift + Left = Moves Current Window to the Monitor on the Left
  • Windows Key + [1-9] = Launches the corresponding program in the superbar (going left to right)
  • Windows Key + Pause = Open System Info


Windows Sysinternals: Disk2vhd v1.0

October 10th, 2009 No comments

Disk2vhd is a utility that creates VHD (Virtual Hard Disk – Microsoft’s Virtual Machine disk format) versions of physical disks for use in Microsoft Virtual PC or Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines (VMs). The difference between Disk2vhd and other physical-to-virtual tools is that you can run Disk2vhd on a system that’s online. Disk2vhd uses Windows’ Volume Snapshot capability, introduced in Windows XP, to create consistent point-in-time snapshots of the volumes you want to include in a conversion. You can even have Disk2vhd create the VHDs on local volumes, even ones being converted (though performance is better when the VHD is on a disk different than ones being converted).

77 Windows 7 Tips

October 9th, 2009 No comments

Windows 7 may be Microsoft’s most anticipated product ever. It builds on Windows Vista’s positives, and eliminates many of that OS’s negatives. It adds new functionality, too—all in a package that is less resource-hungry than its predecessor.

And whether or not you’re upgrading from Vista or skipping it altogether and moving up from Windows XP, you’ll need to know how to make the most of it in your environment. Here are 77 tips and tricks to get you there.

Microsoft Application Verifier

September 29th, 2009 No comments

Application Verifier is designed specifically to detect and help debug memory corruptions and critical security vulnerabilities.

This is achieved by monitoring a native application’s interaction with the Windows operating system, profiling its use of objects, the registry, the file system, and Win32 APIs (including heaps, handles, locks, etc), and indicating issues when and where they are discovered.

Application Verifier also includes checks to predict how well an application may perform under various account privileges. These compatibility tests are used in Windows Logo program.

Print verification tests are also available to verify your usage of the print subsystem.


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