
Posts Tagged ‘Management’

10+1 things they never teach in college about programming

June 2nd, 2010 No comments

Written by Alberto Gutierrez:

I still remember how naive I was just after I finished my studies. I was convinced that I was ready to join any software company and start shining as a top class developer. Obviously, no long after I started working, I realized how many things I didn’t know.

As I have been acquiring experience, I have been learning things the hard way, stuff which I was never taught, and which its understanding, is basic to become a good developer. This is my list of the 10 things I wish I had been taught.

  1. We’re always wrong
  2. If something can break, it will break
  3. All code is crap
  4. There is always a bug
  5. The most important thing is the client
  6. Design on paper doesn’t work
  7. Less is more
  8. Coding is only 20% of what we do
  9. The customer doesn’t know what he/she wants NEVER!
  10. Someone has done it before

Bonus: Hey! Our job is cool!


Три уровня отождествления

March 17th, 2010 No comments

Что такое отождествление? Психология обычно рассматривает это явление как срастание личности с чем-то внешним по отношению к ней самой. Если в чистом виде личность говорит о себе «Я — это Я», то в состоянии того или иного отождествления формулировка меняется на «Я — это то-то», с указанием чего-то конкретного, с чем произошло срастание.

Естественно, все это происходит незаметно для самого «Я». Отождествление — процесс сугубо бессознательный. «Я» совершенно не замечает того, как начинает вкладывать себя во внешние объекты или ценности. Однажды оно просто обнаруживает, что что-то, казалось бы для него постороннее, вдруг стало жизненно важным, вплоть до того, чтобы поставить ребром вопрос о жизни и смерти.

В абстрактном виде звучит не вполне понятно, поэтому проще показать сущность этого явления на примерах.

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18 способов сосредоточиться на работе

October 4th, 2009 No comments

Множество факторов регулярно прерывают вашу работу, мешая сосредоточиться. Как избавиться от них и действовать эффективнее?

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Защитите свое время – сделайте главное, не отвлекаясь

September 21st, 2009 No comments

Заголовок должен побуждать на прочтение статьи, но порой в ней, кроме заголовка ничего привлекательного и нет, но не так случилось с материалом, который я сегодня вам представляю. Статья мне показалась очень полезной.

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9 качеств, которые перевернут вашу карьеру

September 14th, 2009 No comments

Успех – понятие очень многогранное. Однако есть вещи, которые помогут вам стать успешнее в делах, независимо от того, кто вы и к чему стремитесь. Вот они:

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The Bad Apple: Group Poison

February 24th, 2009 No comments

Groups of four college students were organized into teams and given a task to complete some basic management decisions in 45 minutes. To motivate the teams, they’re told that whichever team performs best will be awarded $100 per person. What they don’t know, however, is that in some of the groups, the fourth member of their team isn’t a student. He’s an actor hired to play a bad apple, one of these personality types:

  1. The Depressive Pessimist will complain that the task that they’re doing isn’t enjoyable, and make statements doubting the group’s ability to succeed.
  2. The Jerk will say that other people’s ideas are not adequate, but will offer no alternatives himself. He’ll say “you guys need to listen to the expert: me.”
  3. The Slacker will say “whatever”, and “I really don’t care.”

The conventional wisdom in the research on this sort of thing is that none of this should have had much effect on the group at all. Groups are powerful. Group dynamics are powerful. And so groups dominate individuals, not the other way around. There’s tons of research, going back decades, demonstrating that people conform to group values and norms.
But Will found the opposite.

Invariably, groups that had the bad apple would perform worse. And this despite the fact that were people in some groups that were very talented, very smart, very likeable. Felps found that the bad apple’s behavior had a profound effect — groups with bad apples performed 30 to 40 percent worse than other groups. On teams with the bad apple, people would argue and fight, they didn’t share relevant information, they communicated less.

Even worse, other team members began to take on the bad apple’s characteristics. When the bad apple was a jerk, other team members would begin acting like a jerk. When he was a slacker, they began to slack, too. And they wouldn’t act this way just in response to the bad apple. They’d act this way to each other, in sort of a spillover effect.

What they found, in short, is that the worst team member is the best predictor of how any team performs. It doesn’t seem to matter how great the best member is, or what the average member of the group is like. It all comes down to what your worst team member is like. The teams with the worst person performed the poorest.


How, When, and Why Bad Apples Spoil the Barrel: Negative Group Members and Dysfunctional Groups

5 советов по управлению проектами

February 9th, 2009 No comments

Давать советы кому-то абстрактному не хочется: ведь подойдут они не всем, потому в этой заметке будут советы, которые я нынешний дал бы самому себе четырехлетней давности.

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