CppUnit is a C++ unit testing framework. It started its life as a port of JUnit to C++ by Michael Feathers. For a quick tour of unit testing with CppUnit, see the Cookbook in the latest documentation. For an introduction to unit testing, see UnitTest, ProgrammerTest, and CodeUnitTestFirst.
- XML output with hooks for additional data (XSL format avaliable in release 1.10.2 needs some FiXing)
- Compiler-like text output to integrate with an IDE
- Helper macros for easier test suite declaration
- Hierarchical test fixture support
- Test registry to reduce recompilation need
- Test plug-in for faster compile/test cycle (self testable dynamic library)
- Protector to encapsulate test execution (allow capture of exception not derived from std::exception)
- MfcTestRunner
- QtTestRunner, a Qt based graphic test runner
This page is a list of tables of code-driven unit testing frameworks for various programming languages. Some but not all of these are based on xUnit.
UnitTest++ is a lightweight unit testing framework for C++.
It was designed to do test-driven development on a wide variety of platforms. Simplicity, portability, speed, and small footprint are all very important aspects of UnitTest++.
UnitTest++ is ANSI portable C++ and makes minimal use of advanced library and languages features, which means it should be easily portable to just about any platform. Out of the box, the following platforms are supported:
WinUnit offers a unique approach to unit testing native (C/C++) code on Windows.
WinUnit was originally introduced in the article “Simplified Unit Testing for Native C Applications” by Maria Blees in the February 2008 issue of MSDN Magazine. Click here to read the article and learn more about WinUnit.
- One executable which runs tests in separate DLLs
- One header file to make writing tests easier
- Logger extensibility
- Easy to automate
- Macros for use in Visual Studio
Fiddler is a Web Debugging Proxy which logs all HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet. Fiddler allows you to inspect all HTTP(S) traffic, set breakpoints, and “fiddle” with incoming or outgoing data. Fiddler includes a powerful event-based scripting subsystem, and can be extended using any .NET language.
Fiddler is freeware and can debug traffic from virtually any application, including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and thousands more.
!exploitable Crash Analyzer – MSEC Debugger Extensions – !exploitable (pronounced “bang exploitable”) is a Windows debugging extension (Windbg) that provides automated crash analysis and security risk assessment. The tool first creates hashes to determine the uniqueness of a crash and then assigns an exploitability rating to the crash: Exploitable, Probably Exploitable, Probably Not Exploitable, or Unknown. There is more detailed information about the tool in the following .pptx file or at http://www.microsoft.com/security/msec. Additonally, see the blog post at http://blogs.technet.com/srd/archive/2009/04/08/the-history-of-the-exploitable-crash-analyzer.aspx, or watch the video at http://channel9.msdn.com/posts/PDCNews/Bang-Exploitable-Security-Analyzer/.
API spying utilities are the most powerful tools for exploring the internal structure of applications and operating systems. They provide tons of information and enable the user to explore the “guts” of the application under test. Unfortunately, most API spying utilities can monitor only one application at a time and also have the tendency to break apart when used with large pieces of code. APISpy32 is a different type of API interceptor which solves most of these problems. It monitors API calls made by ALL active Windows applications and logs the values of input parameters. This version works under Windows 9x/NT/2000 and ME.
Download local version of APISpy32.
This utility will continuously track the focus input. It updates itself every second, displaying information about the window, which currently has focus. In a sense it is very similar to the popular SPY++ utility from the Developer Studio package, but it is easier to operate and may give you faster results.

Download local version of FocusFlasher.exe (source code)
WinSpy++ is a handy programmer’s utility which can be used to select and view the properties of any window in the system. WinSpy is based around the Spy++ utility that ships with Microsoft Visual Studio.

Download local version of WinSpy++ 1.7 (source code).